YEOGIEOTTAE to be happy while working
"You can be happy while working?" It may feel like a message that you've heard a lot somewhere, but it's happening every day at YEOGIEOTTAE. This is because members have to work happily to convey an unforgettable travel experience to users.
We're working hard every day, but having a lot of fun.
시의적절한 전략으로 퍼포먼스를 창출해요
효율적인 유저 모객과 매출 창출을 목표로 광고 성과를 최적화합니다.
광고 성과에 대한 명쾌한 원인을 발견하고, 검증 가능한 고효율의 결과를 만들어 낼 때 일에 대한 애정이 커져요.비키 / 퍼포먼스 마케팅
인터뷰 보러가기
데이터 기반의 의사 결정을 지원해요
다양한 데이터를 분석하여 인사이트 도출하고 비즈니스 임팩트를 내고자 합니다. 새로운 분석 기술을 연구하고 적용하며 더 높은 가치를 만들고 싶어요!
연 / 데이터
인터뷰 보러가기
다양한 전략을 세워 목표를 이뤄내요
좋은 상품을 주도적으로 발굴하고 전략을 세워 여기어때만의 놀라운 경험을 제공하고자 항상 노력해요. 이런 노력이 고객들의 긍정적인 반응과 매출로 이어질 때 정말 뿌듯해요.
조쉬 / 영업
인터뷰 보러가기
문제를 함께 해결해 나가는 과정이 즐거워요
여기어때 팀원들은 협업이 필요한 부서와 적극적으로 소통하며 문제를 해결해 나가는 과정을 즐겁게 여겨요. 진심으로 고객을 위한 프로덕트를 만들고 싶은 Proactive 한 사람들이 모여, 주체적으로 아이디어를 공유하고 있죠.
셰리 / 기획
인터뷰 보러가기
하고자 하는 일과 해야 하는 일의 격차가 작아요
밝은 분위기 속 체계적인 지원을 해주는 덕에, 하고자 하는 일과 해야 하는 일의 격차가 작아요. 자체 제작 콘텐츠가 많다 보니 회사에 기여하고 있다는 느낌을 강하게 받아 뿌듯함을 많이 느낄 수 있어요.
버즈 / 디자인
인터뷰 보러가기
다양한 도메인을 다루며 유저와 파트너 관점에서 고민해요
프론트엔드 개발자는 많은 도메인을 다루고 있고, 이 거대한 플랫폼을 만들기 위해 치열하게 고민하고 있어요. 단순히 개발만 하는 것이 아니라, 멋진 서비스를 만들어나가고 있다는 점이 이 직무의 매력이라고 생각합니다.
죠니 / 개발
인터뷰 보러가기
We constantly pursue change and innovation
YEOGIEOTTAE is a land of opportunity. It plays a major role in the ever-growing travel platform industry. There are countless things that need to be systemized in the future. Above all, what excites me the most as a developer is that ‘the system I create will shape the future of YEOGIEOTTAE.’
Ashe / Development
Aim for honest communication
YEOGIEOTTAE team members communicate their thoughts honestly. This is because it is important to express opinions that are helpful to the team, not just what your colleagues want to hear. I think YEOGIEOTTAE
's greatest strength is its culture that encourages people to express their opinions honestly and boldly.Susan / Strategy
I am growing with my colleagues, not alone
If I find myself lacking in something, I tell my colleagues instead of complaining about it alone. Because colleagues think together about any concerns, we always produce better results.
Shu / Development
I can feel the company’s growth firsthand
YEOGIEOTTAE may refuse to accept it and allow it to own the rights to its own activities. I feel like I'm growing every moment at YEOGIEOTTAE, which is moving amazingly as there are more platforms in our customers' daily lives.
Lucas / Sales
I can work proactively
At YEOGIEOTTAE, you can experience a variety of things on your own rather than a predetermined job. As I am growing at a rapid pace, I feel like I am greatly motivated at work because I can boldly try new things.
Summer / UX
If you want to experience both a growing industry and an organization
At YEOGIEOTTAE, you can have a valuable experience where the company's growth also leads to the growth of your career. YEOGIEOTTAE is an organization with responsibility and autonomy where I can express my opinions freely, receive opinions from leaders and team members in the process of putting my ideas into practice, and work together to create the best cases.
Mac / Marketing
YEOGIEOTTAE is growing
It can be said that it is amazing that YEOGIEOTTAE has achieved this much growth in less than 10 years since it was founded, but we are not satisfied with this. In a company with infinite potential, I continue to grow with colleagues who are ready to burn like a strong sun at any time.
Jave / Finance
시의적절한 전략으로 퍼포먼스를 창출해요
효율적인 유저 모객과 매출 창출을 목표로 광고 성과를 최적화합니다.
광고 성과에 대한 명쾌한 원인을 발견하고, 검증 가능한 고효율의 결과를 만들어 낼 때 일에 대한 애정이 커져요.비키 / 퍼포먼스 마케팅
인터뷰 보러가기
데이터 기반의 의사 결정을 지원해요
다양한 데이터를 분석하여 인사이트 도출하고 비즈니스 임팩트를 내고자 합니다. 새로운 분석 기술을 연구하고 적용하며 더 높은 가치를 만들고 싶어요!
연 / 데이터
인터뷰 보러가기
다양한 전략을 세워 목표를 이뤄내요
좋은 상품을 주도적으로 발굴하고 전략을 세워 여기어때만의 놀라운 경험을 제공하고자 항상 노력해요. 이런 노력이 고객들의 긍정적인 반응과 매출로 이어질 때 정말 뿌듯해요.
조쉬 / 영업
인터뷰 보러가기
문제를 함께 해결해 나가는 과정이 즐거워요
여기어때 팀원들은 협업이 필요한 부서와 적극적으로 소통하며 문제를 해결해 나가는 과정을 즐겁게 여겨요. 진심으로 고객을 위한 프로덕트를 만들고 싶은 Proactive 한 사람들이 모여, 주체적으로 아이디어를 공유하고 있죠.
셰리 / 기획
인터뷰 보러가기
하고자 하는 일과 해야 하는 일의 격차가 작아요
밝은 분위기 속 체계적인 지원을 해주는 덕에, 하고자 하는 일과 해야 하는 일의 격차가 작아요. 자체 제작 콘텐츠가 많다 보니 회사에 기여하고 있다는 느낌을 강하게 받아 뿌듯함을 많이 느낄 수 있어요.
버즈 / 디자인
인터뷰 보러가기
다양한 도메인을 다루며 유저와 파트너 관점에서 고민해요
프론트엔드 개발자는 많은 도메인을 다루고 있고, 이 거대한 플랫폼을 만들기 위해 치열하게 고민하고 있어요. 단순히 개발만 하는 것이 아니라, 멋진 서비스를 만들어나가고 있다는 점이 이 직무의 매력이라고 생각합니다.
죠니 / 개발
인터뷰 보러가기
We constantly pursue change and innovation
YEOGIEOTTAE is a land of opportunity. It plays a major role in the ever-growing travel platform industry. There are countless things that need to be systemized in the future. Above all, what excites me the most as a developer is that ‘the system I create will shape the future of YEOGIEOTTAE.’
Ashe / Development
Aim for honest communication
YEOGIEOTTAE team members communicate their thoughts honestly. This is because it is important to express opinions that are helpful to the team, not just what your colleagues want to hear. I think YEOGIEOTTAE
's greatest strength is its culture that encourages people to express their opinions honestly and boldly.Susan / Strategy
I am growing with my colleagues, not alone
If I find myself lacking in something, I tell my colleagues instead of complaining about it alone. Because colleagues think together about any concerns, we always produce better results.
Shu / Development
I can feel the company’s growth firsthand
YEOGIEOTTAE may refuse to accept it and allow it to own the rights to its own activities. I feel like I'm growing every moment at YEOGIEOTTAE, which is moving amazingly as there are more platforms in our customers' daily lives.
Lucas / Sales
I can work proactively
At YEOGIEOTTAE, you can experience a variety of things on your own rather than a predetermined job. As I am growing at a rapid pace, I feel like I am greatly motivated at work because I can boldly try new things.
Summer / UX
If you want to experience both a growing industry and an organization
At YEOGIEOTTAE, you can have a valuable experience where the company's growth also leads to the growth of your career. YEOGIEOTTAE is an organization with responsibility and autonomy where I can express my opinions freely, receive opinions from leaders and team members in the process of putting my ideas into practice, and work together to create the best cases.
Mac / Marketing
YEOGIEOTTAE is growing
It can be said that it is amazing that YEOGIEOTTAE has achieved this much growth in less than 10 years since it was founded, but we are not satisfied with this. In a company with infinite potential, I continue to grow with colleagues who are ready to burn like a strong sun at any time.
Jave / Finance
시의적절한 전략으로 퍼포먼스를 창출해요
효율적인 유저 모객과 매출 창출을 목표로 광고 성과를 최적화합니다.
광고 성과에 대한 명쾌한 원인을 발견하고, 검증 가능한 고효율의 결과를 만들어 낼 때 일에 대한 애정이 커져요.비키 / 퍼포먼스 마케팅
인터뷰 보러가기
데이터 기반의 의사 결정을 지원해요
다양한 데이터를 분석하여 인사이트 도출하고 비즈니스 임팩트를 내고자 합니다. 새로운 분석 기술을 연구하고 적용하며 더 높은 가치를 만들고 싶어요!
연 / 데이터
인터뷰 보러가기
다양한 전략을 세워 목표를 이뤄내요
좋은 상품을 주도적으로 발굴하고 전략을 세워 여기어때만의 놀라운 경험을 제공하고자 항상 노력해요. 이런 노력이 고객들의 긍정적인 반응과 매출로 이어질 때 정말 뿌듯해요.
조쉬 / 영업
인터뷰 보러가기
문제를 함께 해결해 나가는 과정이 즐거워요
여기어때 팀원들은 협업이 필요한 부서와 적극적으로 소통하며 문제를 해결해 나가는 과정을 즐겁게 여겨요. 진심으로 고객을 위한 프로덕트를 만들고 싶은 Proactive 한 사람들이 모여, 주체적으로 아이디어를 공유하고 있죠.
셰리 / 기획
인터뷰 보러가기
하고자 하는 일과 해야 하는 일의 격차가 작아요
밝은 분위기 속 체계적인 지원을 해주는 덕에, 하고자 하는 일과 해야 하는 일의 격차가 작아요. 자체 제작 콘텐츠가 많다 보니 회사에 기여하고 있다는 느낌을 강하게 받아 뿌듯함을 많이 느낄 수 있어요.
버즈 / 디자인
인터뷰 보러가기
다양한 도메인을 다루며 유저와 파트너 관점에서 고민해요
프론트엔드 개발자는 많은 도메인을 다루고 있고, 이 거대한 플랫폼을 만들기 위해 치열하게 고민하고 있어요. 단순히 개발만 하는 것이 아니라, 멋진 서비스를 만들어나가고 있다는 점이 이 직무의 매력이라고 생각합니다.
죠니 / 개발
인터뷰 보러가기
We constantly pursue change and innovation
YEOGIEOTTAE is a land of opportunity. It plays a major role in the ever-growing travel platform industry. There are countless things that need to be systemized in the future. Above all, what excites me the most as a developer is that ‘the system I create will shape the future of YEOGIEOTTAE.’
Ashe / Development
Aim for honest communication
YEOGIEOTTAE team members communicate their thoughts honestly. This is because it is important to express opinions that are helpful to the team, not just what your colleagues want to hear. I think YEOGIEOTTAE
's greatest strength is its culture that encourages people to express their opinions honestly and boldly.Susan / Strategy
I am growing with my colleagues, not alone
If I find myself lacking in something, I tell my colleagues instead of complaining about it alone. Because colleagues think together about any concerns, we always produce better results.
Shu / Development
I can feel the company’s growth firsthand
YEOGIEOTTAE may refuse to accept it and allow it to own the rights to its own activities. I feel like I'm growing every moment at YEOGIEOTTAE, which is moving amazingly as there are more platforms in our customers' daily lives.
Lucas / Sales
I can work proactively
At YEOGIEOTTAE, you can experience a variety of things on your own rather than a predetermined job. As I am growing at a rapid pace, I feel like I am greatly motivated at work because I can boldly try new things.
Summer / UX
If you want to experience both a growing industry and an organization
At YEOGIEOTTAE, you can have a valuable experience where the company's growth also leads to the growth of your career. YEOGIEOTTAE is an organization with responsibility and autonomy where I can express my opinions freely, receive opinions from leaders and team members in the process of putting my ideas into practice, and work together to create the best cases.
Mac / Marketing
YEOGIEOTTAE is growing
It can be said that it is amazing that YEOGIEOTTAE has achieved this much growth in less than 10 years since it was founded, but we are not satisfied with this. In a company with infinite potential, I continue to grow with colleagues who are ready to burn like a strong sun at any time.
Jave / Finance
시의적절한 전략으로 퍼포먼스를 창출해요
효율적인 유저 모객과 매출 창출을 목표로 광고 성과를 최적화합니다.
광고 성과에 대한 명쾌한 원인을 발견하고, 검증 가능한 고효율의 결과를 만들어 낼 때 일에 대한 애정이 커져요.비키 / 퍼포먼스 마케팅
인터뷰 보러가기
데이터 기반의 의사 결정을 지원해요
다양한 데이터를 분석하여 인사이트 도출하고 비즈니스 임팩트를 내고자 합니다. 새로운 분석 기술을 연구하고 적용하며 더 높은 가치를 만들고 싶어요!
연 / 데이터
인터뷰 보러가기
다양한 전략을 세워 목표를 이뤄내요
좋은 상품을 주도적으로 발굴하고 전략을 세워 여기어때만의 놀라운 경험을 제공하고자 항상 노력해요. 이런 노력이 고객들의 긍정적인 반응과 매출로 이어질 때 정말 뿌듯해요.
조쉬 / 영업
인터뷰 보러가기
문제를 함께 해결해 나가는 과정이 즐거워요
여기어때 팀원들은 협업이 필요한 부서와 적극적으로 소통하며 문제를 해결해 나가는 과정을 즐겁게 여겨요. 진심으로 고객을 위한 프로덕트를 만들고 싶은 Proactive 한 사람들이 모여, 주체적으로 아이디어를 공유하고 있죠.
셰리 / 기획
인터뷰 보러가기
하고자 하는 일과 해야 하는 일의 격차가 작아요
밝은 분위기 속 체계적인 지원을 해주는 덕에, 하고자 하는 일과 해야 하는 일의 격차가 작아요. 자체 제작 콘텐츠가 많다 보니 회사에 기여하고 있다는 느낌을 강하게 받아 뿌듯함을 많이 느낄 수 있어요.
버즈 / 디자인
인터뷰 보러가기
다양한 도메인을 다루며 유저와 파트너 관점에서 고민해요
프론트엔드 개발자는 많은 도메인을 다루고 있고, 이 거대한 플랫폼을 만들기 위해 치열하게 고민하고 있어요. 단순히 개발만 하는 것이 아니라, 멋진 서비스를 만들어나가고 있다는 점이 이 직무의 매력이라고 생각합니다.
죠니 / 개발
인터뷰 보러가기
We constantly pursue change and innovation
YEOGIEOTTAE is a land of opportunity. It plays a major role in the ever-growing travel platform industry. There are countless things that need to be systemized in the future. Above all, what excites me the most as a developer is that ‘the system I create will shape the future of YEOGIEOTTAE.’
Ashe / Development
Aim for honest communication
YEOGIEOTTAE team members communicate their thoughts honestly. This is because it is important to express opinions that are helpful to the team, not just what your colleagues want to hear. I think YEOGIEOTTAE
's greatest strength is its culture that encourages people to express their opinions honestly and boldly.Susan / Strategy
I am growing with my colleagues, not alone
If I find myself lacking in something, I tell my colleagues instead of complaining about it alone. Because colleagues think together about any concerns, we always produce better results.
Shu / Development
I can feel the company’s growth firsthand
YEOGIEOTTAE may refuse to accept it and allow it to own the rights to its own activities. I feel like I'm growing every moment at YEOGIEOTTAE, which is moving amazingly as there are more platforms in our customers' daily lives.
Lucas / Sales
I can work proactively
At YEOGIEOTTAE, you can experience a variety of things on your own rather than a predetermined job. As I am growing at a rapid pace, I feel like I am greatly motivated at work because I can boldly try new things.
Summer / UX
If you want to experience both a growing industry and an organization
At YEOGIEOTTAE, you can have a valuable experience where the company's growth also leads to the growth of your career. YEOGIEOTTAE is an organization with responsibility and autonomy where I can express my opinions freely, receive opinions from leaders and team members in the process of putting my ideas into practice, and work together to create the best cases.
Mac / Marketing
YEOGIEOTTAE is growing
It can be said that it is amazing that YEOGIEOTTAE has achieved this much growth in less than 10 years since it was founded, but we are not satisfied with this. In a company with infinite potential, I continue to grow with colleagues who are ready to burn like a strong sun at any time.
Jave / Finance
How YEOGIEOTTAE works, leadership principles
How YEOGIEOTTAE works, leadership principles
How YEOGIEOTTAE works, leadership principles
How YEOGIEOTTAE works, leadership principles
YEOGIOTTAE works based on nine leadership principles. We are creating a new travel and leisure culture through the process of constantly contemplating and implementing every day with leadership principles that all members sympathize with.
YEOGIOTTAE works based on nine leadership principles. We are creating a new travel and leisure culture through the process of constantly contemplating and implementing every day with leadership principles that all members sympathize with.
YEOGIOTTAE works based on nine leadership principles. We are creating a new travel and leisure culture through the process of constantly contemplating and implementing every day with leadership principles that all members sympathize with.
YEOGIOTTAE works based on nine leadership principles. We are creating a new travel and leisure culture through the process of constantly contemplating and implementing every day with leadership principles that all members sympathize with.
Constantly seeking change and innovation
Act with speed
Get competitive with quick execution
Prioritize & Simplify
Fiercely prioritize and eliminate waste
Have courage
It takes courage to make a difference in the world
Take ownership
A sense of ownership and responsibility are at the heart of leadership
Pursue excellence
We always aim for the best
Respect others
You need maturity to respect and be kind to everyone
Have fun
We work happily with our colleagues
Succeed as a team
Build a healthy team culture and cultivate future leaders
If you can concentrate on your work, you can work anywhere
Autonomy and Efficiency
We value work density and results.
If you can make a better result, we will support anything.
Working 37 hours a week
You can work from home
Motion desk, Herman Miller chair
Autonomous selection of the latest equipment
Focus Room
Communication and Relaxation
Working tirelessly requires proper rest and motivation. Sometimes I've prepared everything so that I can do it alone, sometimes with my colleagues.
Refresh room & Massage chair
In-house cafe
Public Lounge & Library
Communication beer
Breakfast and Lunch support
We reward and support generously for work-life balance
A refresh vacation
A refresh
A refresh
A refresh
It's important to rest well as much as you've worked hard. Every three years after joining the company, we give you 10 days of vacation and 1 million won for vacation.
It's important to rest well as much as you've worked hard. Every three years after joining the company, we give you 10 days of vacation and 1 million won for vacation.
It's important to rest well as much as you've worked hard. Every three years after joining the company, we give you 10 days of vacation and 1 million won for vacation.
It's important to rest well as much as you've worked hard. Every three years after joining the company, we give you 10 days of vacation and 1 million won for vacation.
Payment of points
Payment of
Payment of
Payment of
It supports happy times with family, friends, and lovers. Go on a trip with your loved ones with YEOGIEOTTAE's annual 1 million points.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
A rental car
for free
From outings to trips to the suburbs, you can use corporate vehicles. We lend it to you for free on weekends and holidays.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
Support for congratulations
Let's share the joys, sorrows and sorrows of our members. From the birth of a child to marriage, we provide congratulatory money for happy things, and condolence money and mourning goods for sad things.
It supports happy times with family, friends, and lovers. Take a trip with your loved ones with a million points here, which is paid every year.
It supports happy times with family, friends, and lovers. Take a trip with your loved ones with a million points here, which is paid every year.
It supports happy times with family, friends, and lovers. Take a trip with your loved ones with a million points here, which is paid every year.
Physical fitness
Physical fitness
Physical fitness
To improve health and physical strength, we provide free support for the use of fitness centers near the office. We support various exercise programs such as fitness, yoga, and Pilates.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
Health examination support
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
The health of our members is the growth of our company. We provide a comprehensive health checkup package worth 200,000 won every year.
Rewards when recommending talent
If you recommend outstanding talents who will make changes and innovations together, you will receive a reward of up to 5 million won for the recommended person.
If you recommend outstanding talents who will make changes and innovations together, you will receive a reward of up to 5 million won for the recommended person.
If you recommend outstanding talents who will make changes and innovations together, you will receive a reward of up to 5 million won for the recommended person.
If you recommend outstanding talents who will make changes and innovations together, you will receive a reward of up to 5 million won for the recommended person.
Book & Education support
The growth of a company comes from the growth of its members. If there is a course you want to take or a book you want to read to grow your business, we will provide generous support.