Human Rights Management Declaration

Human Rights Management Declaration

Human Rights Management Declaration

‘We are here to ensure that your life is a continuous flow of extraordinary experiences.’

YEOGIEOTTAE is a company that brings amazing experiences to customers' lives. It has grown rapidly into a company responsible for travel and leisure, ranging from domestic and international accommodations and flights to car rentals, activities, and space rentals.

Even in the midst of rapid growth, we always strive to maintain fair management. We announced the Code of Conduct for 2022, and now we are declaring human rights management for 2024. It contains 10 principles of human rights management that companies, members, and partners practice together.

YEOGIEOTTAE will meet more members and partners through continuous growth. Together with them, we provide trustworthy services to customers and present the direction for a better future through the Human Rights Management Declaration.

YEOGIEOTTAE will further develop as an organization that respects and takes responsibility for human rights based on principles. We will continue leading corporate management by operating a transparent organizational structure and a communication system that includes ethical management monitoring.

We will do our best to ensure that all members of our business sites at home and abroad, as well as our partners, adhere to the code of ethics.

Thank you.

March 2024
CEO of GC Company corp.
Myung-Hoon Jeong

| Summary

To implement human rights management, YEOGIEOTTAE has established the YEOGIEOTTAE Human Rights Management Principles, promising to respect international standards related to human rights, including the 10 principles of the UNGC (UN Global Compact).

YEOGIEOTTAE's executives and employees declare that they will adhere to the principles below. All members of YEOGIEOTTAE's business sites, both domestically and internationally, must understand and comply with human rights management principles when working from now on. In addition, we will do our best to help our partners understand YEOGIEOTTAE's human rights management principles. If a violation of human rights management principles occurs, we will take active action in accordance with the company's established internal processes.

| Basic Principles

  • Prohibition of discrimination
    YEOGIEOTTAE may discriminate against members or applicants for reasons such as their gender, disability, religion, age, region of origin, education, pregnancy or childbirth, type and situation of family and household, sexual orientation, gender identity, employment type, political orientation, medical history or health status, etc. We will prohibit and prevent discrimination without reasonable grounds in employment (salary, compensation, promotion) and recruitment.

  • Respect diversity, equity and inclusion

    YEOGIEOTTAE will strive to respect and spread a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. In order to deliver better impact, we will aim to become an organization that respects human rights and a culture without marginalized groups.

  • Protecting the safety and health of members

    YEOGIEOTTAE has established and maintained a system for the safety and health of its members. We will comply with relevant laws and internal regulations related to safety, health, working hours, etc., and will continue to strive to provide an optimal work environment for our members. 

  • Protection of user rights

    To protect user personal information, YEOGIEOTTAE requests and stores only the minimum amount of information from users based on laws and regulations. We will continue to closely manage our security system to ensure that collected information is not leaked to the outside world. Additionally, we respect the freedom of expression of content created by users.

  • Compliance with working conditions

    YEOGIEOTTAE complies with all relevant laws, including the Minimum Wage Act and the Labor Standards Act. In addition to complying with relevant laws, we will actively provide our members with opportunities for self-development and growth support necessary for work performance.

  • Prohibition of forced labor and child labor

    YEOGIEOTTAE does not allow forced labor when hiring its employees. All work is carried out based on the free will of the members. Members may resign at any time without disadvantage if reasonable notice is given in accordance with relevant laws and employment contracts. In addition, all forms of child labor are also prohibited. When it is unavoidable to hire young people, we will follow legal procedures to ensure that they do not engage in work that is hazardous to safety and health, and provide special training to the employees and managers.

  • Responsible Partnership

    YEOGIEOTTAE's partner companies will also be encouraged to participate in human rights management and not to violate the human rights of users. In addition, we promise to pursue coexistence and actively respect our partners, including affiliated stores. 

  • Environmental protection efforts

    YEOGIEOTTAE has been conducting an environmental protection campaign with the local community. We will continue to actively participate in environmental protection by managing various environmental protection campaigns with YEOGIEOTTAE members and users as well as managing carbon emissions at our workplaces in the best possible way.

  • No Corruption

    YEOGIEOTTAE prohibits all forms of corruption, including unfair acquisition and bribery by executives and employees. We pledge to maintain and develop the company's reputation as well as the dignity of each member with high ethical values. We promise to act in a way that does not violate related laws and internal regulations.

  • No harassment and sexual harassment/Violence in the workplace

    Under the value that all human rights should not be violated, we will strictly deal with bullying, sexual harassment, and sexual violence that occur in the workplace. We prohibit any acts of inflicting physical, mental pain, sexual speech, or behavior on other members that take advantage of one's position or relationship within the workplace, and we will make active efforts to prevent this. To respect human rights, we will provide related training at least once a year and maintain a healthy culture.

| Grievance Procedure

We operate a channel through which anyone can report to the company any human rights violations or grievances that occur within the company, such as workplace bullying or sexual harassment. We have a system in place that allows members to access the grievance reporting channel at any time, and we regularly check grievances by conducting an employee satisfaction survey (EOS) once a year. Reported information is kept strictly confidential, and secondary harm, such as work disadvantage or retaliation, is strictly prohibited.

  • Report Center

    YEOGIEOTTAE operates a channel through which members can directly report to the company when human rights violations or grievances occur within the company, such as workplace bullying or sexual harassment. Cases brought to this reporting center will be fact-checked and investigated according to established in-house procedures. The disposition is then confirmed after deliberation by the personnel committee composed of internal members.

  • Employee Opinion Survey

    YEOGIEOTTAE conducts an employee satisfaction survey (EOS) once a year. These surveys regularly check whether you have personally experienced or witnessed workplace bullying and sexual harassment. When a case is received, the person in charge will verify the facts, and if necessary, internal investigation and disciplinary procedures will be carried out.

  • Labor-Management Council

    YEOGIEOTTAE operates a labor-management council. Members can always file grievances through worker members participating in the council. Worker committee members represent various organizations and are selected through voting, and can deliver agendas to management and responsible departments during regular meetings and when specific issues arise.

  • Processing Procedure